13. Oktober 2017, 15:30-18:15 (SR 15.27)
Richard Sturn (Uni Graz): Demokratie, Staat und die Varianten des Wirtschaftsliberalismus
Nenad Pantelic (Uni Graz): Monopole und Sozialpolitik - Ordoliberalismus vs. Chicagoer Schule
14. Oktober 2017, 09:30-12:00 (SZ 15.22)
Florian Brugger (Uni Graz): From worldview to real-existing experience - a theoretical model of the evolution, diffusion and transformation of Neoliberalism
Patrick Mellacher (Uni Graz): Traces of Neoliberal lnfluence in Montenegro
14. Oktober 2017, 14:30-17:15 (SZ 15.22)
Karin Fischer (Uni Linz): Chile's road to neoliberalism before, during and after Pinochet: old insights, new findings
Fabio Masini (Roma Tre University): The rise and death of neoliberal pluralism